Profil organizace

Czech Anglers Union is ...

... a civic organization, whose functions essentially are:

Union and its organizational units can perform the business activities in compliance with generally obligatory legal regulations.

(Statutes of Czech Anglers Union)

ČRS výbor územního svazu pro Sev. Moravu a Slezsko MRS - Moravský rybářský svaz ČRS Východočeský územní svaz ČRS Jihočeský územní výbor České Budějovice ČRS Středočeský územní svaz Praha Český rybářský svaz RADA ČRS Územní svaz města Prahy ČRS Severočeský územní svaz ČRS Západočeský územní svaz Plzeň


History of the Czech Anglers Union

First associations of anglers started in Bohemia at the end of the 19th century. In 1873, the Anglers Union in Opava was established, and in 1876, in Ronov nad Doubravou. By the year 1900, several dozens of them were established.

The most famous anglers association was the First Anglers Club in Prague, established in 1886. Its members were also significant personalities of this time, including the President of Czechoslovakia Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, Ferdinand Lobkowicz, Dr. Bedřich Schwarzenberg, and the world-famous opera singer, Ema Destinová. The magazine Rybářský věstník, later called Rybářské listy, which were predecessors of the current magazine Rybářství (Angling), reported on the work of this association.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the angling associations felt the need for the creation of a large mutual organization, which could better preserve the interests of fish breeding, angling and protection of rivers, fish, and other water species. However, the unified organization wasn't created until 1957, when the Association of Anglers in Prague and the Unified Association of Anglers in Žilina established the Czechoslovak Anglers Union, which included, at the time of its establishment, 409 local organizations and 78,767 registered members. It was the first time that the uniform statutes, membership fees, and principles of management were set. The first chairman was Mr. Oldřich Doležal, and the Secretary was Dr. Jan Hanzal.

In 1968 the Czechoslovak Association of Anglers was divided into two independent associations - Czech Anglers Union and Slovak Anglers Union.

The Czech Anglers Union was divided again in 1990, when the South-Moravian Anglers Union, which was the base for the Moravian Anglers Union, separated.

Currently, the Czech Anglers Union belongs to the largest interest associations in the Czech Republic. It hosts almost 240,000 members organized through 483 local organizations, which are divided into seven Regional Boards.

Development of membership in Czech Anglers Union between 1990-2016

Vývoj členské základny s meziročními rozdíly v letech 1990 – 2016

Rok Dospělí Mládež
(16 – 18 let)
(do 15 let)
Celkem Meziroční
1990 176 251 15 753 47 431 239 435
1991 170 753 14 831 44 769 230 353 -9 082
1992 167 022 14 399 40 429 221 850 -8 503
1993 167 562 14 618 38 265 220 445 -1 405
1994 175 311 14 827 36 550 226 688 6 243
1995 186 437 14 954 37 957 239 348 12 660
1996 189 205 14 533 37 110 240 848 1 500
1997 194 064 14 314 36 302 244 680 3 832
1998 198 003 13 779 35 654 247 436 2 756
1999 204 414 13 530 37 583 255 527 8 091
2000 206 932 14 147 38 655 259 734 4 207
2001 210 874 13 616 38 025 262 515 2 781
2002 216 221 13 850 36 039 266 110 3 595
2003 218 355 13 212 34 104 265 671 -439
2004 220 399 13 062 31 675 265 136 -535
2005 220 813 11 185 28 257 260 255 -4 881
2006 219 764 10 175 25 413 255 352 -4 903
2007 223 290 9 582 23 740 256 612 1 260
2008 225 809 8 695 22 175 256 679 67
2009 225 194 8 212 21 216 254 622 -2 057
2010 222 115 7 371 20 793 250 279 -4 343
2011 219 900 6 772 19 763 246 435 -3 844
2012 216 658 6 052 19 895 242 605 -3 830
2013 212 795 5 775 19 569 238 139 -4 466
2014 212 136 5 624 20 166 237 926 -213
2015 212 451 5 510 21 110 239 071 1 145
2016 215 069 5 461 23 625 244 155 5 084

Present Structure of the Czech Anglers Union


Czech Anglers Union, upon respecting its historical bases and national traditions of union angling, in the future is going to focus on:

Regional Board of Czech Anglers Union of the City of Prague Central Bohemian Regional Board of Czech Anglers Union South-Bohemian regional Board of Czech Anglers Union West-Bohemian Regional Board of Czech Anglers Union North-Bohemian Regional Board of Czech Anglers Union East-Bohemian Regional Board of Czech Anglers Union North-Moravian Regional Board of Czech Anglers Union

Organizational structure of the Czech Anglers Union

Production of stock fish

Stocking fisheries

Basic scheme of cash-flow from Czech Anglers Union´s permits

Catches in fisheries

Total catches in pieces and kilograms in non-salmonid fisheries of Czech Anglers Union from 1990 to 2017

Total catches of fish in pieces and kg in salmonid fisheries of Czech Anglers Union from 1990 to 2017

Protection of fisheries

Care for the environment and water cleanliness

International activities

Educational and informational activity

Work with children and youth

Sport (competitive) anglers